This site, besides mocking the term 'undocumented', is an illegal immigration primer whose goal is to provide information on illegal immigration prevention, enforcement, and attrition.

IllegalAliens.US has been operating since August 30, 2002.

The Statue of
Liberty is a monument dedicated to freedom and liberty. She never meant that foreigners have the right to violate America's immigration laws.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty does not mean illegal aliens have the right to break US immigration law.
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There is a real disconnect between institutions, including the media and politicians, and the public's desire for immigration reduction and enforcement.   Immigration,  widely seen as a threat to low-wage American workers and as a possible source of terrorism, draws remarkably stronger reactions from the public than leaders. The foreign policy goal of reducing illegal immigration is a far higher public priority by a 48 point margin. The public is substantially more alarmed by immigrants and refugees coming into the United States as a critical threat to U.S. interests by a 46 point margin (60% of the public versus only 14% of leaders). By large, 39 point gaps, the public is more favorable to decreasing legal immigration (57% vs. 18%) and to combating international terrorism by restricting immigration from Arab and Muslim countries 79% vs. 40%).

Full report at: Elite vs. Public Opinion.

There are many examples where organization leaders have taken immigration stands contrary to the wishes of membership.  For example, the AFL/CIO leadership supports amnesties for illegal aliens in order to boost their sagging membership roles, despite the clear harm mass migration has been on American workers.  The Sierra Club, a leading environmental organization,  no longer supports U.S. population stabilization because it has "no position on immigration."  Native-born Americans would have to reduce their fertility to perhaps one child per family to make it possible to support U.S. population stabilization without reducing mass migration.  Yet many Sierra Club members question how the Sierra Club can be considered an American environmental organization while refusing to support U.S. population stabilization.  When members hold their organizations accountable the disconnect will diminish.

IllegalAliens.US is a Jumpin’ Jupiter site.