This site, besides mocking the term 'undocumented', is an illegal immigration primer whose goal is to provide information on illegal immigration prevention, enforcement, and attrition.

IllegalAliens.US has been operating since August 30, 2002.

The Statue of
Liberty is a monument dedicated to freedom and liberty. She never meant that foreigners have the right to violate America's immigration laws.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty does not mean illegal aliens have the right to break US immigration law.
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The message below from Fatboy Music tells how this country group has been unable to get the song played on country radio:

"Recently my partner and I have run into a problem getting air play for our country music song, Illegal Illegals. We were told by research and our southwest regional promoter that radio stations were weary about playing the song due to advertisement money. They said they loved the song, they played it in their cars and homes, but they would be apprehensive to play it on the air.  This is troubling because as American citizens, we are fighting a fight that must be won, (there is no room for a ceasefire here).  It is a fight for our country's hard working citizens and it is a fight to maintain our nation's identity. Hardworking people are paying into our system, and the illegal immigrants are putting their hands in the jar and taking something they did not earn and simply do not deserve."

Song provided with the permission of Fatboy Music

IllegalAliens.US is a Jumpin’ Jupiter site.