This site, besides mocking the term 'undocumented', is an illegal immigration primer whose goal is to provide information on illegal immigration prevention, enforcement, and attrition.

IllegalAliens.US has been operating since August 30, 2002.

The Statue of
Liberty is a monument dedicated to freedom and liberty. She never meant that foreigners have the right to violate America's immigration laws.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty does not mean illegal aliens have the right to break US immigration law.
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Additional sites: State Organizations.

Additions or corrections to:

Links below will open in a new browser window.

Important page! = major national organization or site.

Disclaimer:  IllegalAliens.US provides the links below with the
 understanding that the link does not imply endorsement of all content at those sites.
  Likewise, links to IllegalAliens.US does not imply endorsement of all content at those sites.
Unfortunately, some groups unethically claim 'guilt by links'.

Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

An effective and aggressive activist site

Political party dedicated to securing our borders

Research and educational organization

Congressional report cards

An American Patriot in Maryland provides news with attitude!

Their stories will not be forgotten.

To disrupt and deter illegal immigration by any legal means

The neighbor from Hell

Advocacy group working to secure the sustainable future of the US

Think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of impacts of immigration on the United States

Umbrella organization of professional trade groups, population/environment organizations, and immigration reform groups

Collection of mini-essays printed in booklet form

An investigative newsletter uncovering corruption within the Customs Service

Do you really want this in your neighborhood?

Environmental destruction by illegal border crossers

Dedicated to sustainability and the ecological future of our planet

Make English America's official language

The oldest and most comprehensive activist site


Activist writer and speaker

Renowned ecologist and author of living within limits

National security think tank

United States Illegal Alien Crime Report

A national, nonprofit, public-interest organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation's immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest

Real Immigration Reform

Victims of the havoc that open borders has brought

Immigration political cartoons

Ethical and legal watchdog over our government and judicial systems

Dedication to National Park Service Ranger killed by drug cartel hit squad

Los Angeles County Watch Dogs

Something needs to be done!

Save the USA before it becomes a borderless, lawless, toothless remnant of the great nation that it once was.

An iconoclastic view of immigration and culture

Syndicated Columnist and author of Invasion

Patriot border watchers

Protect our children. Secure our border!

A Labor organization representing U.S. Border Patrol employees

Advocates a smaller and truly sustainable United States population

National Border Patrol Council opposes amnesty

Opposes new massive, unchecked guest worker amnesty

Great organization on population/immigration issues

Committed to stabilizing U.S. population

Deals with predatory aliens who commit violent crimes against our children

Advances the interests of technical and professional workers in information technology (IT) fields.

Petition to the President

Safe haven cities for illegal aliens and/or terrorists in America

Pro-business resource for American business people who seek to operate their companies in the best traditions of American private enterprise

Shows the relationship between population growth and sprawl

A nation-wide coalition of state officials

Network of Sierra Club activists who support a comprehensive approach to environmentalism within the Sierra Club

Coalition of immigration crime fighters


Seniors group opposed to Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement

Books, journal, and publications.

Unity and solidarity by association

Articles on immigration issues that are not covered by the establishment media

Dedicated to America's veterans, past and present

Hal Netkin is adversary of corrupt politicians, illegal immigration, ACLU, leftists and socialists

IllegalAliens.US is a Jumpin’ Jupiter site.