This site, besides mocking the term 'undocumented', is an illegal immigration primer whose goal is to provide information on illegal immigration prevention, enforcement, and attrition.

IllegalAliens.US has been operating since August 30, 2002.

The Statue of
Liberty is a monument dedicated to freedom and liberty. She never meant that foreigners have the right to violate America's immigration laws.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty does not mean illegal aliens have the right to break US immigration law.
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The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 13, line 2:

"Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country."

Article 13 does not provide the right for any global citizen to illegally enter any host nation they so choose.  Yet human rights and morality advocates vociferously claim such a right, obviously without justification as such a right is not provided in the widely accepted human rights declaration.

IllegalAliens.US is a Jumpin’ Jupiter site.